Shilton Fly Reels

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Introducing the pinnacle of fly reels for your upcoming Fly Fishing expeditions! Revered by guides worldwide as the definitive choice, Shilton reels excel in even the most demanding conditions. With an impeccably smooth, yet remarkably robust drag system, they grant you the authority to triumph over the most formidable gamefish. The generously sized arbour design ensures lightning-quick line retrieval. Whether your pursuit leads you to bonefish, tarpon, salmon and sea trout, or the formidable toothy predators of the jungle, this array of reels serves as your portal to unforgettable fly fishing conquests.

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Shilton Spey Fly Reels


from £649.99

Shilton SR Series Fly Reels


from £724.99

Shilton SL9 Fly Reels



Shilton SL8 Fly Reels



Shilton SL12 Fly Reels

